Management Control Systems
The purpose of reflective writing is to give you an opportunity to examine your learning experience and make it relevant for your own purposes. This assignment is to be completed by students individually and the grading occurs individually as a result. The reflection required for this assignment relates to the student experience of working in a team to complete the Case Study, how you integrate this experience into learning for your degree as whole, and advice you would provide to future students who may do such an assessment. Students are encouraged to work on the assignment continuously over the 11-week duration of the team-based case study to provide a meaningful reflection.
Students must address the following aspects in their reflective exercise:
a) Providing some examples, how did your team usually work together?
b) What was your role(s) for this assessment when working in your team?
c) What aspects of the assessment did you feel were the best?
d) What problems or challenges did you face and how did you address those problems or challenges?
e) What would you do differently the next time you do an assessment like this?
f) In what ways do you think, doing this assessment helped your learning for your degree?
g) What skills did you develop and how will the development of these skills support your working career?
h) What advice would you give to students in the next “Management Control Systems” class, directly related to the Team based Case Study?
i) What advice would you the Unit Convenor of the next “Management Control Systems” class, specifically related to the Team based Case Study?
It is important for students to note that this reflective exercise is not consistent with that of an informal survey provided to students after they have completed an assessment. Hence, for this to be a fruitful exercise for you, it is important that you approach this assessment seriously and provide a considered and respectful response to the aspects required in your reflection.
Requirements for this Assignment
1. Please ensure that you use full explanatory sentences that carefully linked together to provide a comprehensive and careful reflection.
2. Other forms of expression of your reflection such as the use of pictures, graphs, figures in your assignment, to add value to your work are permitted in addition to your written responses.
3. The grading rubric for the reflective exercise is on page 5 of this document.
The following resources will help students to understand what a reflection is and to write one if it is something that a student has not yet undertaken.
The youtube video provides information on how to write reflective writing. The link for the youtube video is:
There is an appendix to this document sourced from the University of Southern Queensland and written by L. Brodie which may also be useful for you.
GUIDELINES FOR WRITING REFLECTIONS by L. Brodie (University of Southern Queensland)
Occasionally you may have a specific topic to write on or begin with an open-ended starter phrase. These will help you focus your attention on particular aspects of the material or experience. However, once you have addressed these topics, you will want to go beyond them and/or to address different topics as well. Other times, you will need to decide what is interesting and important to you and go in that direction.
When you write, consider that…
___ your audience is your advisor, instructor, and/or fellow graduate students.
___ reflection is NOT the same thing as summarizing.
Only summarize the content of the material or experience when it is necessary for
the reader to understand what you are saying and the comments you make.
___ you should expect to go into depth.
The length of a reflection is dependent not only on the topic and the amount of material or length of the experience, but also on the depth of your integration of the ideas and connections you make to other material and experiences.
Frequently, students ask what the instructor or advisor “want” in reflections. Although the content of the reflection is to be based on what you think and how you integrate ideas, there should also be depth, connections, evidence of understanding, and broad integration of ideas. There are lots of ways to address those criteria, but for those of you who would like further guidance, a possible pattern to pursue in your writing–one that seems comfortable for most people is to…
___ summarize your understanding CONCISELY and in your own words,
___ support your perspective with examples from your own experience,
___ agree, disagree–and support your position,
___ doubt or question any elements, conclusions,
___ draw your own tentative conclusions and / or applications,
___ identify and ask remaining questions.
Not all of the above need by addressed in every reflection; however, your reflection illustrates the depth of your learning and needs to be thorough enough for you and your reader to draw an accurate picture.
Knowledge Development
[40%] The work provides an insightful, comprehensive description with detailed exploration and explanation of the required aspects thus conveying a rich understanding of the students’ experience. The work provides a comprehensive description with a very good exploration and explanation of the required aspects thus conveying a strong understanding of the students’ experience. The work provides a satisfactory description with a good exploration or explanation of the required aspects thus conveying a sound understanding of the students’ experience. The work provides a basic description of each required aspect with no exploration or explanation thus conveying a basic understanding of the students’ experience. The work provides a basic description of a few aspects with no exploration or explanation thus conveying a marginal understanding of the students’ experience.
[40%] The work reveals a capacity to use new insights to reflect on issues, and to analyse and solve problems.
Reveals an ability to use these insights to hypothesise, theorise and generalize what has been learnt to new and different contexts. The work reveals a good capacity to use insights to reflect on issues, and to analyse and solve problems.
Reveals an ability to compare and contrast different situations, explain and interpret behavior and analyse situations in a systematic and integrated way. The work demonstrates a sound capacity to reflect on issues, and to analyse and solve problems.
Reveals evidence of an ability to apply knowledge to identify, list, classify different situations in a meaningful way. The work demonstrates a limited capacity to reflect on issues, and to analyse and solve problems.
Reveals evidence of a modest ability to apply knowledge to a particular problem or solution. The work demonstrates little evidence of capacity to reflect on issues, and to analyse and solve problems.
Reveals evidence of a limited ability to recognize when or how to apply knowledge to a particular problem or solution.
[20%] The work has been written and presented to an exemplary academic standard.
Insightful, comprehensive and satisfactory treatment of all task requirements. The work has been written and presented to a very high academic standard.
Comprehensive and satisfactory treatment of all task requirements. The work is written and presented in a satisfactory manner.
All task requirements satisfactorily addressed with majority treated comprehensively. The work is presented with sufficient coherence and clarity for the reader to understand.
All task requirements addressed satisfactorily with majority not treated comprehensively. The work demonstrates little understanding or appreciation of standards required for academic writing with improvements is terms of clarity, grammar and spelling required.
Not all task requirements addressed in a satisfactory manner.